Medical Reimbursement Consultants since 1985, (877) DON-SELF (877 366-7353)
Medical Reimbursement Consultants since 1985, (877) DON-SELF (877 366-7353)
This is a Medicare & Commercial Prolonged Slide Rule similar in function and size to our E&M Slide Rule.
The Prolonged Service Slide Rule includes:
Medicare on one side, Commercial on the other side
All places of service including the notes as to what dates to add time together (ex: Medicare > Home Visit > Add together 3 days before+date of service+ 7 days after to get total time)
and what code(s) to use for each combination.
This will save you loads of time when trying to figure out what service code and prolonged code to use together.
Click the button below to order.
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