Medical Reimbursement Consultants since 1985, (877) DON-SELF (877 366-7353)
Medical Reimbursement Consultants since 1985, (877) DON-SELF (877 366-7353)
"He shared helpful hints" R Cooksey DO FP Abilene
"This seminar should be done for our staff" Dean Peyton DO FP Arlington
"This workshop was excellent" Robert Slocum DO FP Arlington
"I always enjoy his seminars" Sharon Dennis DO FP Arlington
"We in the Osteopathic Association are fortunate that Don has helped us as much as he has." Dean Peyton DO FP Arlington
"Good hand out very practical info very applicable to my practice" Karen Rightmire DO FP Ballinger
"His seminars are the best I've ever attended" Steven Yount D.O. FP Bastrop
"Usable info - excellent seminar" Neil S. Levy D.O. Pediatrics Bedford
"This billing information has helped immensely" Cheryl Lopez DO FP Carrollton
The seminar was excellent" Mike Williams DO Cedar Hill
"This is the best seminar I've attended on coding" Robert Kotch DO FP College Station
"I try to attend every one taught by Don that I can" Roy Mimms Jr. DO FP Comanche
"Better understanding of exactly what I as a physician need to document & do" Glenda Suzy Roefer MD Corpus Christi
"The topic was very relevant- speaker was excellent" Juan Castro MD FP Corpus Christi
"He has made the doctors in our association more money than any other" Jayne Knight D.O. FP Corpus Christi
"Today's workshop was excellent" Efrain Dickson MD Corpus Christi
"I especially liked the coding guidelines for e/m services" Dan Waddell D.O. Internal Medicine Colleyville
"He teaches us things about coding & collections that we need to know" Ruth Carter D.O. FP Colleyville
"Practical help for the office& physician" Gregory Dott DO Dallas
"I would rate today's workshop by Don as excellent" Ali Jafarian DO FP Dallas
"I liked Don's enthusiasm the best" R.A. Lane DO Dallas
"Everytime my wife goes to his workshop she comes back with new ideas to make money" John H. Brown MD FP Dallas
"It was an excellent seminar taught by Don Self" Robert Deluca DO Eastland
"The information was very relevant& helpful" Sandy Helip DO FP Eastland
"It's a convenience timesaver & money making deal having Don for my staff to call. I like having him on monthly retainer" John Boyd DO FP Eden
"Excellent Workshop!" Rodolfo Valdivia DO FP El Paso
"Very good seminar. I recommend it" Wayne Thornbury El Paso
"The Don Self seminar was outstanding" Richard Saunders D.O. El Paso
"I liked the actual situations * reimbursement problems he discussed" Doyle Gallman DO FP Ft Worth
"Excellent Workshop!" Howard Lang DO Allergy Ft Worth
"Very passionate talk knowledgeable clear precise direction" Chau Pham D.O. Ft Worth
"I liked the specificity directness supportive attitude towards Dr's!" Randall Hayes D.O. Fort Worth
"You lit a fire under my butt to double check to make sure I'm billing for everything" Al Faigin DO FP Fort Worth
"Today's Don Self seminar was excellent as usual" Gene Herzog DO FP Gainesville
"Very worthwhile seminar" Bob Shackelford MD Orthopedics Gilmer
"Don's seminars are to the point& always beneficial to my practice" Ronda Beene DO FP Grand Prairie
"I needed my front office staff here to hear this" Carl Mitten DO FP Houston
"His seminar was VERY HELPFUL" Mary Campbell-Fox DO FP Houston
"Every physician should be using Don Self as their consultant. We pay him a retainer and it’s been well worth it" Grant McKeever MD Orthopedics Houston
"He gives a very informative seminar" Charles Fontonier DO GP Houston
"His column in the magine is very very informative" Reg Platt D.O. Houston
"Great Lecture" Ruth Carter DO GP Hurst
"His monthly column in the TEXAS DO is very useful" James Linton D.O. Hurst
"The coding advice was exactly what I needed" Michael Truman DO FP Hurst
"Practical real world solutions" Kevin Kallal MD. FP Keller
"I have recommended Don to every physician I personally know" Gail Stockman MD Pulmonary Longview
"I have a successful internal medicine clinic partly due to Don Self" Wendell Daniels MD Internal Medicine Longview
"This was a very good workshop" Leland Nelson DO FP Lubbock
"Colorful& informing seminar" Jon Furbee D.O. Anesth. Lubbock
"Don Self is an outstanding speaker" Harlan Wright DO Lubbock
"The entire workshop was great" T.S. Kent MD Urology Lufkin
"His workshops always increase our income" Michael Sabo DPM Lufkin
"Good speaker& workshop" Kenneth Volk PA-C FP/RHC Marshall
"The doctors I've referred to Don Self have come back to thank me" Brad Wilson MD Internal Medicine Nacogdoches
"It was helpful on how to get billing & reimbursement under control" Sidney Chadwell DO Palestine
"I recommend his seminars to every doctor in my area" David Armbruster DO FP Pearland
"Useful creative practical - no fluff" Bernard Feigelman DO Psych. Richardson
"The personal interaction & the clear concise practical advice concerning coding" Raymond P. Mussett MD Roma
"My staff looks forward to attending his seminars" Steven Bander D.O. FP Sasche
"The whole presentation was quite helpful" Mark Robbins DO U.S.A.F. San Antonio
"Don Self gives practical& useful information" Jerome Smola DO FP Sweetwater
"I liked the interaction Don had with the audience" Hugh Heck DO GP Tyler
"It was entertaining& an excellent seminar" Anesia Garmon DO FP Weatherford
"Don Self has helped the Osteopathic Association in Texas more than any other consultant" Rodney Wiseman DO FP Whitehouse
"Don doesn't pussyfoot around issues - he addresses them head on & doesn't play politics!" John Galewaler DO FP Whitesboro
"Entertaining Educational Interesting" So Kim Abad MD FP Wichita Falls
"Informative and authoratative" Adanna Amechi MD FP Wichita Falls
"The best seminar I've ever been to" Clark Bril MD Vascular Wichita Falls
"Excellent informative" Lori Hanes MD FP Wichita Falls .
"Good for improved reimbursement" Rita Kong MD Wichita Falls
"Practical seminar!" Soe-Ni Kong MD Cardiology Wichita Falls
"Very practical" Jose Lim MD Internal Wichita Falls
"Informative and entertaining" Frederick Langner MD, Gen Surg Wichita Falls
"The presenter was easy to understand and engaging" Cephas Mujuruki, MD FP Wichita Falls
"Very practical" Susan Strate MD Pathology Wichita Falls
"Very informative" Diane Zardain MD FP Wichita Falls
" I liked the coding, modifiers"- Idolina Gutierrez- Fam Pract- Alice
"He took the time to answer the questions asked" Letty Villarreal, Cardiology, Alice
"Very informative" Nina Henojosa, Cardiology, Alice
"I liked everything" Melissa Ramos, RHC, Alice
"Great Info, All was interesting"- Sammi Benavides- Fam Pract- Alice
"The entire workshop was great"- Javier Garcia-Fam Pract- Alice
" I liked everything, I learned a lot, you were great"- Sally Gonzalez- Fam Pract- Alice
"Don Covers a lot of Information on a variety of subjects that applies to most practices"-Kallene Purl-Multi speciality, Amarillo
"Very Interesting"-Shannon Perez-Cardiology Amarillo
"Very Informative"-Jill O'Grady-Pedi Amarillo
"presentsation, very understandable"-Connie Garmon-Phys. Med Amarillo
"Good information presented in an interesting manor"-Gail Menefee-Cardiology Amarillo
"Very Good"-Teri Barlow-Pain Management Amarillo
"Very good presentation covering lots of data"-Karen Spangler-Radiology Amarillo
"Very informative, entertaining"-Jeanne Pullum-Fam. Prac Amarillo
"I liked the ERISA information, getting my CEU's"-Sherri Williamson-Multi Amarillo
"Informative, Entertaining"-Tricia Richardson-Gen Surgery Amarillo
"I have learned a lot" Cyndy Jones, Billing, Surgery, Amarillo
"Very informative seminar. Answered lots of questions-dispelled lots of myths"-Fay Lemaster-Surgery Amarillo
"Kept my attention the entire time"-Susan Cutright- Prim Care- Amarillo
"All meat, potatoes, no junk. Well worth my time"-Barbara Willburn-ENT-Amarillo
"It is very informative, insighting"-Brandon Morrison-ENT-Amarillo
"I liked Don's ERISA webinar, how to appeal claims"-Debbie Steen-ENT-Amarillo
"Very informative billing techniques"-Abbie Woolsey-Phys Thearpy-Amarillo.
"Great Information presented in an easy to understand format" Reba Stubblefield, Neurosurgery, Amarillo
"Practical seminar - can use today - loved information dispelling myths" Dee Thomas, Multi-specialty, Amarillo
"Liked information on appeals"-Lonetta Ingram-Multi.-Amarillo
"I like Don's approach, he is full of info" Jennifer Braddock, Phys Med, Amarillo
"I liked the way don presentated the workshop"-Cathy Flowers, ENT. Amarillo
" there is so much good, basic info, great over the top info like ERISA"-Toni Emmons-SR. Analyst-Amarillo
"Very informative. Modifiers, ERISA info most helpful"-Kathy Ledbetter-Ortho Surgery-Amarillo
"I liked everything"-Sherry New- Ortho spine Surgery -Amarillo
" Great review on coding, plus learning new info"-Michele Taylor-OB/GYN- Amarillo
"It's interesting, informative"-Chris Lewis-Gen Surg-Amarillo
"This seminar was very informative. I like all the different topics"-Shannon Burnett-Allergy-Amarillo"
Thank you for coming, I have learned a lot"-Cyndy Jones=Surg-Amarillo
"Very informative, learned a lot"-Janell Terry-Diag Radio-Amarillo
"Good information, good entertainment, good food"-Donna Carpenter-Vascular Surgery-Amarillo
"It was beneficial"-Liz Pepper-Cardio-Amarillo
"Very relaxed, lots of laughs&very informative on never talked about services"-Karon Smith-Fam. Prac.-Amarillo
"Good speaker; a lot of helpful information, resources-Thanks"-Becky Mora-Pain Mgmt-Amarillo
"Entertaining, informative"-Sasha Pelchat-Neurosurgery-Amarillo
"The hospital billing info is the 1st I received at any workshop. It has helped me!" Deborah Martin, FP, Andrews
"Don is an excellent speaker" Jan Matthews, GP, Andrews
"I enjoyed the way you presented the info" Alma Allison, FP, Andrews
"Entertaining ways to increase profit legally. Loved all of it" Cindy Keese, Aransas Pass
"Very valuable information" Shaunda Beth Steffey, Billing, Arlington
"It was great!" Jan Marshall, RN, Psychiatry, Arlington
"Interesting info on coding" Elissa Williams, OFC MGR, Psychiatry, Arlington
"Very helpful ERISA webinar" Sabrina Leal, Austin
"Useful Information - to the point" Jan Ream, Internal Med., Austin
"Information, knowledge gained"- Penny Barton- Multi- Bandera
" Very informative, entertaining"- Vanessa Weems- Int Med- Bandera
"It was very informative, helpful Loved all of it " Celeste Prasek-King , Bastrop
"I learned so much" Verona Weber, Internal, Beaumont
"Very Informative" Olivia Sellers, Internal, Beaumont
"I enjoyed my day. Everything we discussed was real informative" Olivia Sellers, Internal, Beaumont
"Very insightful from a nurse's standpoint" Dinah Brister, Internal, Beaumont
"All was tied together & made sense" Marcy Able, FP, Bedford
"Excellent ERISA Progam - Very informative " Faye Terry, FP Coder Beeville
"Speaker was exceptional with a wealth of knowledge" Margie Olivarez, FP, Manager, Beeville
"Very informative" Stephanie Barkoci, FP, Benbrook
"Excellent workshop, Easy way of explaining things" Kim Kelsey, Office Asst, FP RHC Bogata
"Learned how to make doctors more money" Terry L. Bingham, Billing, Family Practice, Bonham
"Easy to follow" Lisa Cook, OFC MGR, Family Practice, Bonham
"I especially liked the way he taught us about the different modifiers" Amy Kidder, FP, Bridge City
"Entertaining, Very Good - lots of good information" Elaine Carroll , Asst Director, FP RHC Brownwood
"Kept you interested with good knowledge & information" Tammy Means, Director of RHC Brownwood
"Substance with humor" Kathy Kirk, FP, Pediatrics, Bryan
"Don is very informative, you will learn something, no matter what you already know" Marci Barnhart, Ins. Carrier, Canyon
"I liked the tools, knowledge that you can use now" Kathy Dowd, Admin. Self ins plan, Canyon
"I found it very informative" Patty Wilhite, FP, Canyon
"Strategies presented for correct coding that also increase reimbursement" Kenneth Lowrance, VP, Primary Care, Clifton
"I liked the strategies for correct coding that increases reimbursement" Kenneth Lowrance, VP/FNP Clifton
"It was very informative" Alba Jackson, Converse
"I loved the jokes, info, modifiers, audit info, etc" Sylvia Galavis, CPC, Converse
"A+ Seminar" Celena Valencia, Office Manager, Star Nephrology, Corinth
" Nice facility with Breakfast, lunch, snacks, gave an opportunity to network" Delia Torres- Orthop- Corpus Christi
" My favorites were, sliderules, answering questions, review of coding, the updates"- Mary Albarado- Fam. Prac- Corpus Christi"
"Information, speaker,, ability to communicate"- Dr. Daniel Vijjeswarpa- Pedi- Corpus Christi
"Information content, flow of slides, speaker"- Jodi Rinehart- Int Med- Corpus Christi
"Informative, discussed major consistant coding errors, addressed different specialities"-Linda Crain- Fam Pract- Corpus Christi
"Charting, Auditing. The coding slide is great"- Erin Garst- Fam Pract- Corpus Christi
"The speaker was great" Gloria Munguia, GYN, Corpus Christi
"Very informational, CPT coding, modifier use"- Norma Reyes- Cardio- Corpus Christi
"Informative"- Corletta Aririguzo- Int Med- Corpus Christi
"Relaxed atomsphere-open forum-great info"-Sheila Spillar- FP, Corpus Christi
"Very informative & interesting" Daniel Garcia, Financial Counselor, Corpus Christi
"Everything was excellent" Leticia Marchese, Manager, FP RHC Cotulla
"All of it was my favorite" Polly Harris, Billing Clerk, RHC Crosbyton
"Very informatie" Grace Munoz, Ofc Mgr, FP RHC Crosbyton
"Thanks for an excellent seminar on coding & practice management " Meredith Hill, Clinic Dir., Hosp Based RHC FP/OB, Dalhart
"It was very informational" Shaiell Harris Dallas
"Interesting & not boring - I recommend it" Louise Lamanna, Urology, Dallas
"I would recommend this seminar to others" Joyce Perry, OFC MGR, Family Practice, Dallas
"The open forum questions, answers in laymen's terms" Rotounda Poweell-Lockett, OFC MGR, Dallas
"All very interesting - especially coding & collections" Jacksy Walker, FP, Dallas
"Excellent content" Beth Usrey, Dekalb
"Excellent Seminar" Mini Joseph, Ofc Mgr, Roy Joseph GI, Denton
"Good information" Zahida Akram Infectious Diseases, Denton
"Great Seminar" Misti Simms, Billing, Dr. Gang Quan Gastro, Denton
'Got alot of information in a short time - helpful" Ben Doroodchi, Ofc Mgr, Mukesh Saraiya MD, Denton
"Awesome - informative, relevant - much needed info" - Jana Tipton, Gr, Surgery Assoc, Denton
"Excellent - I learned so much - Don is great" Shannon Wilson, Billing, Denton Cardiology, Denton
"Very informational that most probably don't know" Alisha Turner, Supervisor, Denton Cardiology, Denton
"Very enlightening & entertaining, Thank you" Jill Bastak, North Center for Sight, Denton
"Excellent presentation & useful info that can be applied immediately" Karen Koehler, Mgr, Denton Rheumatology
"Don delivered a fun seminar with awesome info" Delorean Purgason, Mgr, Family Med of North, Denton
"This was NOT the same info all seminars give" Anita Perdue, Mgr, Texas Lung Associates, Denton
"Great Information" Christy Morgan, Mgr, Stephen Schulman MD Pediatrics, Denton
"Very informational" Jackie Tibedeau, Office Mgr, Ajit Dave, Internal, Denton
"Excellent" Siva Korlakunta, Office Mgr, Cardiology Clinic, Denton
"Informative" Angela Vanni, Billing, North Dallas Eye Associates, Denton
"Great seminar" Tracey Lowry, Billing, Advanced Eye Care Center< Denton
"knowledgable of info and entertaining" Debi Goss, Administrator, Advanced Eye Care, Denton
"I learned alof of info that I didn't know" Raquel Cantu, Billing, North Arrythmia, Denton
"Learned so much I wasn't aware of" Judy Price, Director, IPA of North Texas, Denton
"Great speaker - great info" Cheryl Early, Billing, Minor Emergency of Denton, Denton
"Awesome! Learned a lot of helpful info" Debbie McGuire, Office Manager, North Center for Sight, Denton
"If you want to increase your revenues, this is an excellent program" Nita Bhatt, OFC MGR, Internal, Denton
" I am a fairly new coder, i learned a lot today"-Lydia Luna- Out pt Clerk- Dimmitt
"Good, useful information" Vicky Huggins, General Hospital, Dimmitt
"The dynamics of the speaker with simple explanations" Shannon Young Delacruz, RN, Ops Mgr, RHC Early
"This is the 1st seminar I have been to that I enjoyed being there" Vivian Luederke, General Practice, Eden
"Fascinating. Lots of information" Donna Sorenson CPC, El Paso
"My brain is fried - Straight Forward seminar" Cindy Jones, Clinic Mgr, FP, RHC, Fairfield
"I liked the speaker's ease with content & real life examples" Ruth A. Cook, RN, Administrator ETMC RHC, Fairfield
"I enjoyed it" Nicole Gaub, Forney
"His enthusiasm, knowledge was the best " Joanie Reeves, Ofc Mgr, FP RHC , Ft Stockton
"It was very informative" Joy Smith, Fort Worth
"Good tips" Diana Beede, Podiatry, Ft Worth
"Program was excellent" Brenda Vargas, Pain Mgmnt, Fort Worth
"He's easy to understand" Lisa Fields, FP, Ft Worth
"I enjoyed how down-to-earth he is, think others would benefit from his knowledge" Heather Vantrease, Multi., Ft Worth
"Can I adopt the speaker? Excellent seminar" Grace Kwan, Ofc Mgr, GP/PED RHC Gainesville
"I learned alot. Seminar was ex\cellent" Agnes Wang, Ofc Mgr, FP/RHC Gainesville
"You should make sure you are at the next one!" Jan Herzog, OFC MGR, Family Practice, Gainesville
"I look forward each month to reading your monthly newsletter and have for yrs but thought this month's issue was amazing." Becky Stanaland, CCS-P, Georgetown
"The seminar makes you think" Ronda Beene, DO., FP., Grand Prairie
"Good speaker communication to audience" Denise Carter, Internal, Groves
"Mr. Self is a great speaker, funny, informative & easy to understand" Lori Rice, Internal Medicine, Groves
"It never fails - I always learn something new at your seminar" Laura Adams, Internal Medicine, Groves
"The information was great" Debbie Verret, Podiatry, Groves
"The speaker was the best" Linda Garrett, RN, FP/RHC Hamilton
"Good info on various topics" Barbara Herring, Director, FP/RHC, Hamilton
"The humor, realistic applications to our practice was the best" Taryn Howell, Director, RHC Henderson
"Not Boring" Nora Diaz, FP, Hereford"Information is great" Blanca Herrera, FP, Hereford
"really good I recommend it" Cindy Miller, Houston,
"today's webinar was very informative" Antonina Samuel, Houston
"Excellent, informative" Kay Sanderson, Collections, Physiatry, Hurst
"Interesting, easy to understand" Toni Yount, Med Sec, FP, Hurst
"I liked everything in the seminar" Lisa Lester, ER Coder, ER, Hurst
"Very informative" Terry King, Collector, Physiatry, Hurst
"Good tips on what we are missing" Dr. Lisa Taylor, Director, FP/RHC Itasca
"I learned so much from Don" Darla Fender, Ofc Mgr, FP, RHC Itasca
"I liked the coding info" Marsha Dickson, Bus Ofc, FP Keller
"Touches on many subjects - great sense of humor" Amy Hixon, Ofc Mgr, FP, Keller
"Excellent workshop - loved his honesty" Stephen Kuehler, Admin., FP/RHC Knox City
"Don was the best - excellent!" G. Chowpaknam, Physician, FP/RHC Lamesa
"I enjoyed all of his seminar" Martha Stone, Clinic Mgr, RHC Lamesa
" Humor, tricky questions"- Karina Delarosa- Psychology- Laredo
" Those tricky questions were good, coding tips as well as internet resources" Diana Quinones- Psychology- Laredo
"Informative Seminar" Angela Vanni, Billing, North Dallas Eye Associates, Lewisville
"Very helpful seminar" Dan Louie, Office Manager, North Dallas Eye Associates, Lewisville
"One of the most informative & entertaining reimbursement seminars I've attended. Don Self is great" Joann Tarkington, Billing Mgr, PCP/RHC , Liberty
"Excellent info" Cheri Freeman, Liberty Hill
"Everything was so upbeat, kept me interested" Donna Benton, Coding, FP/RHC Littlefield
"Thank you for the warmness, very informational workshop - it was enjoyable" Kathy Gallegos, FP, Littlefield
"Very practical, helpful workshop" Diane Hedges, FP, Littlefield
"Great speaker" Judith K. Smith, Coder/Biller, Multi-specialty Little River
"I liked his honesty" Peggy Brown, OB-GYN, Lola"Excellent speaker" Tina Zarate, Bus. Ofc Mgr, RHC Lockhart
"All of the seminar was excellent" Shelda Rogers, Clinic Mgr, FP/RHC, Lockney
"Even though it was my day off - it was fun, I learned alot , glad I was here" Janis Eichenauer, Nutritionist, Lubbock
"I liked the content & the humor" Jeanie Miles, Gastro., Lufkin
"The information was what I need" Leelana Orr, Internal Medicine, Lufkin
"It was practical information" Gloria Youngblood, Internal, Lufkin
"It was informative, I'll recommend Don" Charmaine Walker, Cardiology, Lufkin
"Don Self could have spoken for 2 days & been informative the whole time" Deborah Luna, FP, Lufkin
"Medicare can be very boring - Mr. Self made it interesting, useful" Susan Stobblefield, GP, Lufkin
"I would like to attend another of his seminars" Darlene Smith, Plastic Surgery, Lufkin
"You have a wonderful sense of humor - I learned alot" Jan Stimmel, Clinic Mgr Marlin
"Good seminar" Kenneth Volk, PA-C, Director-RHC, Marshall
"All of the info presented was extremely useful, the delivery was very entertaining" Jennifer Moore, Accts Mgr, RHC Marshall
"I enjoyed all of it" Nancy Winn, FP, Mauriceville
"I liked the use of real life examples, practical applications"-Carol Scribner-EMS Memphis
"Good to excellent speaker" Carrie Thompson, FNP, Clinic Mgr, Meridian
"Don's seminars are always unexpected, but very useful in our practice" Cindy Benavides, FP, Mesquite
"Mr. Self's personality, motivation & energy is superb" Wendy Appleberry, Othopedic, Mesquite
"Definitely worth the price - never boring" P. J. Evans, Ofc Mgr, FP, Mesquite
"Excellent speaker" Vannah Taylor, Nurse, FP, Mesquite
"I liked everything about the seminar" Colleen Beckham, Clinic Administrator, FP.RHC Monahans
"Presentation, information of speaker was excellent" Betty LuJan, Insurance, FP/RHC, Monahans
"Very informational! I really enjoyed it and learned alot." Sharla Price, Mt. Pleasant
"Good information for billing person" Sherri Orr, Bus Ofc Mgr, RHC , Mt. Vernon
"Lots of practical, good info, well explained, easily understood" Margaret Haak-Muse, CFO- Hospital, FP/RHC , Mt. Vernon
"He addressed both private & RHC - excellent!" Andria McDougal, Ofc Mgr, FP/RHC , Newton
"Excellent content & speaker" Gudrun Senuta, ENT, Pasadena
"I really learned a lot and felt it was an hour well spent." Marcy Menke, Pflugerville
"Excellent speaker - can I adopt him?" Stacie Schuler, Clinic Mgr, FP/RHC, Pittsburg
"I recommend this seminar - very informative" Sharla Ross, CPC, Asst Dir, Cardiology Plano
"I really enjoyed the seminar, coding tips" Dianne Gibbens, GP, Port Arthur
"Excellent Speaker" Christi Holstead, Home Health, Port Arthur
"The best part was he showed me how to audit my practice coding" Mary Ann Jackson, Ofc Mgr, FP/RHC , Port Lavaca
"I feel confident I can use every bit of info collected" Anna Christian, FP, Port Neches
"He puts on a good seminar with lots of information" Patsy Thompson, Ofc Mgr, FP/RHC Quitman
"Presentation of workshop was excellent" Sunnye Saunders, Bus. Ofc Mgr, RHC Quitman
"Excellent! Enjoyed the casual atmosphere" Chris Harvey, E-N-T, N. Richland Hills
" How to fight Insurances, the delivery"- Cindi Fowler- Fam Pract- Rockport
"The best part of the workshop was the practical knowledge" Sonia A. Mussett, RN, Ofc Mgr, FP/RHC, Roma
"The personal interaction & the clear, concise, practical advice concerning coding was best" Raymond Mussett, MD, Med Dir, RHC Roma
"Practical, workable suggestions will help me increase point of service collections" Jaynie Branham, FP, San Angelo
"I would recommend this workshop" Joan McMahan, Supervisor, ER, San Antonio
"Don, I love your stuff and I love that you are always so willing to help" Carol Ruder, San Antonio
"Informative. Well Presented" Sherri Dement, San Antonio
"It was one of the most informative webinars I have ever attended!" Stephanie Koiner, Sanger
"Not the standard seminar. I received inside info to improve my business" Erica Meinke, Ofc Coord, FP/RHC, Sealy
"Covered points / held interest" Beverly Hill, Billing Service, Sherman
" The complete workshop was excellent"- Homero Roblez"- Fam Pract- Sinton
"I liked the speaker, Don Self, very helpful"- Luz Martinez- Fam Pract- Sinton
"Held my attention & taught me alot about practice management" Carol Hanes, CEO, Hospital, FP/RHC, Snyder
"I liked all the info - Really good webinars- very informative and Don is enjoyable to listen to. Definitely recommend." Susan Westerfield, Spring"
"I learned better ways for family practice coding" Glenda White, Admin., FP/RHC, Spur
"I liked Don Self's information" Deb Bothwell, Gen. Surgery, Sulpher Springs
"The coding, modifier information, The blessing before the meal was nice"-Debra Wolfe- Int Med- Taft
Deborah Trammel, Coder, Outpt Hospital, Temple
"Relaxed seminar, great speaker" Pat Branham, Nurse Mgr, Pediatrics Temple
"Wonderful seminar - fantastic speaker" Lainey Gee, Bus Mgr, FP, Trophy Club
"Liked the billing device, good factual info" Mia Alderete, Out-patient Clinic Universal City
"I believe this is going to help me increase my revenue" Gilberto Lozano Jr, Bus Mgr, FP/RHC, Uvalde
"Always very informative!" Jennifer Thompson, Absolute Concierge Health Care, Waskom
"The E&M Coding was best - Excellent speaker" Keri Wagner, Ofc Mgr, FP, RHC Weatherford
"Excellent seminar" Trudy Benet, Provider Relations Mgr, FP/RHC , Weatherford
"Speaker kept my attention - This was great" Tammie Prunty, Biller, Hospital, RHC, Weatherford
"Excellent" Marilyn Kennedy, Clinic Mgr, RHC , Wellington
"Good info - my brain is fried" Angela Loller, Billing, FP Wichita Falls
"Insanely Awesome seminar" Sheila Lawless, Practice Manager, Dianne Cooper MD, Wichita Falls
"What a treat! I was losing my passion to fight for what is right. He brought it back" Patti Searles, Dir, Texoma Ind. Physicians IPA, Wichita Falls
"Coders & Billers would greatly benefit from this seminar" Stephanie Carter, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Awesome seminar" Bandi Gilbert, Diversified Management, Wichita Falls
"Wonderful speaker" Abby Davis, Coder, URPG, Wichita Falls
"ERISA info was amazing" Brandie Whitting, Billing, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Lots of good info" Janice Huskey, Billing, United Regional Physician Group, Wichita Falls
"I found Don's information good and resourceful and easy to comprehend." Jayne Wynee, Credentialing, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Very informative and interesting" Christina Haney, United Regional, Wichita Falls
"Most helpful for physician offices" Teresa Robinson, United Regional, Wichita Falls
"Clear, concise and entertaining" Dawn Stivers, Clinics of North, Wichita Falls
"informative & entertaining" Jeanne Berry, COO, Clinics of North Texas, Wichita Falls
"Wonderful speaker" Abby Davis, Coder, United Regional, Wichita Falls
"It was informative and fun" Jeanne Berry, Clinics of North, Wichita Falls
"I learned quite a bit" Carla Cherry, CCS-P, CPCO, Clinic of N, Wichita Falls
"I liked this seminar" Sheila Cabell, Bus. Office Director, Clinics of North, Wichita Falls
"Great speaker" Carla Garza, Billing, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Enjoyed the seminar. Great Information" Janice Huskey, Billing, Wichita Falls
"Enjoyed learning about ERISA. We will not be letting carriers recoup any longer" Tiffany Walls, United Regional, Wichita Falls
"Thank you for explaining hard topics so easily" Kim Bryant, Coding Mgr, URPG, Wichita Falls
"I recommend this seminar to all doctors" Judy Elliott, Bus Ofc Mgr, URPG, Wichita Falls
""Great Seminar & Good Resources!" Jayne Wynee, Credentialing, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Very easy to understand" Amber Helms, billing/coding, Electra Medical Clinic, Wichita Falls
"Don Self made this meeting enjoyable" Amanda Jones, United Regional Physicians Group, Wichita Falls
"This was the best seminar I have ever been in" Caroline Walker, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Great seminar and personality" Faye Skelton, Office Manager, Electra Memorial Hospital, Wichita Falls
"Don Self knows what he's talking about" Marcy Espinosa, Coder, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Very informative" Alex Horvath, Manager, Eva Horvath MD, Wichita Falls
"Very informative in lay terms" Carla Schlumpf, Sherrette Fontenot, MD, Wichita Falls
"Greatly informative on mulitple issues" Lisa Callahan, Practice Mgr, Wichita Falls Gastro, Wichita Falls
"I loved how simple you made ERISA" Debbie Simmons, Coding, Orthopaedic Assoc., Wichita Falls
"Easy to comprehend" Amanda Bell, Dr. Ganeshrants, Wichita Falls
"Entire presentation was extremely educational" Sandra Furlow, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Informative & Interesting seminar" Jayne Hart, Clinics of N., Wichita Falls
"Very good info I have never heard before. I like ERISA" Deborah Esquibel, Dr. Samuelson, Wichita Falls
"I learned info that I was uneducated about" Melanie McFadden, Sr. Coder, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Very educational" Sherri Creed, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Amazingly down to earth and informative" Heather Shaver, Manager, Wichita Falls Heart, Wichita Falls
"I've been a fan of Don Self since 1998" Oscar DeAsis, Manager, Dr. De Assis MD, Wichita Falls
"Learned more than I even imagined. Amazing!" Lola Foberg, Clinica Cardio, Wichita Falls
"A great positive pro-physician approach" Gayla Scoughton, Consultant, Lim, Garbacz, Wichita Falls
"Amazing reimbursement and ERISA seminar" Carmen Ketchersid, Diversified, Wichita Falls
"Information was very helpful" Jan Wells, Supervisor, Diversified Management, Wichita Falls
"Very informational" Jenny Wright, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Practical, useable, actual solutions" Pattie Searles, Texoma Independent Physicians, Wichita Falls
"informative" Marilyn Ewen, Financial Specialist, URPG, Wichita Falls
"Awesome seminar!" Brandi Gilbert, LVN, Diversified Managements, Wichita Falls
"Don Self's seminar was very informative and interesting" Christina Haney, Insurance, United Regional, Wichita Falls
"informative and interesting" Jayne Hart, Clinics of North Texas, Wichita Falls
"My favorite part was ERISA" Tonya Hicks, RAC Coordinator, URHS, Wichita Falls
"I definitely recommend this seminar" Dionne Smith, Wichita Heart & Vascular, Wichita Falls
"Clear, concise & entertaining" Dawn Stivers, Clinics of North Texas, Wichita Falls
"Really good seminar" Shelly Twilligear, Manager-Billing, URHCS, Wichita Falls
"Good workshop" Lynuda Kirchoff, Ofc Mgr, FP, Yorktown
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